
The DREAM Act 夢想法案

The DREAM Act is a potential legislation that will provide thousands of illegal children and students a path to citizenship.  It will likely be voted on December 8 in the Senate.  The key provisions of the DREAM Act include the following:

-10 years of conditional non-immigrant status
- 3 years of permanent residency
- eligible for citizenship after 3 years of permanent residency

To be eligible for the DREAM Act, an undocument child/student has to meet the following requirements:

- the student must be 30 years old or younger when the Act is enacted;
- the student must have entered the United States before his or her 16th birthday;
- the student must have been present in the United States for at least five years immediately before the DREAM Act is enacted;
-the student must have graduated from high school or been admitted to a college;
- the student has not commited a serious felony or three petty offenses;
- the student is not inadmissible or deportable under specified grounds of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA);
- the student must not be subject to a deportation order before turning 16; and
- the student cannot be guilty of persecuting others based on the grounds of current U.S. asylum law. 

Finally, students who will receive legal status under this legislation is not eligible for government benefits and in-state tuitions.

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