
Optional Practical Training (OPT)

Many international students would like to work in the U.S. after they graduate from an American institution.  One of the easiest ways for them to do so is to apply for post-graduation optional practical training (OPT).  The two most frequently asked questions regarding OPT are related to unemployment period and the nature of jobs that are permissible for an international graduate to take under OPT.

According to 8 CFR §214.2(f)(10)(ii)(E), an international graduate may not accumulate more than 90 days of unemployment during he OPT authorization.  If the international graduate has obtained an STEM extension, the graduate may not accumulate more than 120 days of unemployment from the initial 12 months of OPT to the end of the STEM extension.

8 CFR §214.2(f)(10) states that "[a]n eligible student may request employment authorization for practical training in a position that is directly related to his or her major area of study."  The Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP), a program administered by Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE), has elaborated what kind of jobs are permissible under OPT in a Policy Guidance issued on April 23, 2010.  These jobs include working for multiple employers, paid employments, unpaid employments/internships, and even self-employment.  Moreover, the OPT student can work either as a W-2 worker or an 1099 independent contractor.  Thus, an OPT student has a large variety of jobs that he/she can choose from.  The Policy Guidance has explanation on each type of employment, so those who are interested in applying for OPT should carefully review it.

Finally, 8 CFR §214.2(f)(12)(i) requires an OPT student to report to his/her school officials if there is a change of name, address, or employment status.  When to report these changes are different for those who are under the initial OPT and those who are under the STEM extension.  For those who are under the initial OPT authorization, SEVP "recommends the student to report any change within 10 business days[.]"  supra, 7.3.1. of Policy Guidance.  In contrast, a student under STEM extension must report any change in name, address, employer, employer's address, and/or loss of employment.  8 CFR §214.2(f)(12)(ii)(A).  In addition, the student needs to provide a validation report to his/her school official every 6 months during the STEM extension.  8 CFR §214.2(f)(12)(ii)(B). 

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許多國際學生希望在畢業之後留下來在美國工作。其中一個最容易這樣做的方法是申請實習工作證(OPT)。 關於OPT的兩個最常見問題是與失業時間及工作的本質有關。

根據8 CFR §214.2(f)(10)(ii)(E),一個國際畢業生不可以在他OPT期間積累超過90天的失業。 如果國際畢業生透過STEM計畫延長OPT,那麼從最初的OPT到延期的結尾不可以積累超過120天的失業時間。

8 CFR §214.2(f)(10)規定OPT的工作必須與國際畢業生就讀的專業有關。負責學生及交換生計畫的SEVP表示,這些OPT工作包括為多個雇主工作、有薪的工作、沒有薪水的工作或者實習、以及自僱。 另外, OPT學生可以是以W-2或者1099的身份工作。 因此, OPT學生其實有很多工作可以選擇。SEVP發出的政策指引對每一種就業的形式皆有解釋,因此有興趣申請OPT的學生應細心閱讀該文件。

最後,8 CFR §214.2(f)(12)(i) 規定持有OPT工作證的國際畢業生如果更改了姓名、地址、或就業情況必須向學校報告。什麼時候要報告這些變動會因人而異。所有持有OPT的畢業生, 應在上述變更後的10個工作天向學校報告有關的改動。透過STEM計畫延長OPT的國際畢業生但凡變更了姓名、地址、雇主、雇主地址、或失業,皆須要向學校報告,而且每6個月要向學校提供報告。


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