
More International Sudents Than Ever 國際學生創歷年新高

An annual report released by the Insitute of International Education (IIE) suggests that in the academic year of 2009-2010, there were 690,923 international students in universities and colleges in the U.S.  This is a record high number of international students in American higher educational instutions.  In addition, 23.6% of all international students are from Mainland China (18.5%), Taiwan (3.9%), and Hong Kong (1.2%).  In other words, almost every 1 out of 4 international student in the U.S. is from a Chinese-speaking town!  You may read the entire report, named Open Doors, online.   

What does this information mean?  This could mean that the State Department is fairly generous in issuing student visas to foreign nationals.  Granted, the report fails to mention how many F-1 applicants have been turned down by the State Department.  Nonetheless, the increase in number of international students shows that international students are welcome in higher institutions and the State Department is willing to issue more F visas to allow international students to study in the U.S.  If you have ever considered attending college/university in the U.S. and your situation permits you to do so, now may be a good time to do that. 

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國際教育研究所(IIE)於星期一發表了一年一度關於國際學生在美國大專院校就讀的報告。該報告指出,在2009-2010學年期間,有690,923名國際學生在在美國的大學和學院就讀,創下歷年新高。另外,在國際學生當中,有23.6%來自中國(18.5%)、臺灣(3.9%)和香港(1.2%)。 換句話說,幾乎每4名國際學生中就有一位是來自說中文的家鄉! 可以在此處閱讀整個報告。

這代表什麼呢? 這可能意味著國務院放寬了對簽發學生簽證的限制。雖然報告沒有提及有多少F-1申請被國務院拒絕, 但是從國際學生總人數的增加可以知道,國際學生在美國的大專院校深受歡迎,而國務院亦願意簽發更多F簽證來配合這些院校的需求。 如果你正考慮到美國上大學而你的情況亦允許你這樣做,那現在可能是個好時機!


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