
Proposed Changes in the Senate's Immigration Reform Bill (2) 參議院移民制度改革法案的措施 (2)

In the Senate Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill, there are a few proposed changes to the H-1B non-immigrant visa.  Some of the proposed changes include:
  1. Raise the H-1B quota from 65,000 to no fewer than 110,000 and no more than 180,000.  A mechanism will be used to determine the exact number for every year.
  2. Instead of reserving 20,000 H-1B visa to applicants with an advanced degree, the visa exemption will apply to STEM graduates and the number of exemptions will be raised from 20,000 to 25,000.
  3. Allow the spouse of an H-1B holder to apply for a work permit if certain requirements are met.
  4. Provide a grace period of 60 days to H-1B workers after the employment is over.
  5. Require H-1B employer to pay a higher salary to H-1B worker than to U.S. workers.
  6. Require H-1B employer to post its job opening on the DOL's website for 30 days before filing an LCA.
  7. Require H-1B employer to attest that it has not and will not displace a U.S. worker 90 days before and after filing an LCA.  
In addition, there are also other proposed changes:

  1. Loosen the requirements for L-1 workers who will open a new office and give flexibility to how long the extension can be granted.
  2. Allow F-1 students to have dual intent (immigrant intent is allowed)
  3. Add a new "W" visa category to allow retirees to purchase properties in the U.S. to retire.  
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  1. 將每年H-1B的配額從65,000提升到不少於110,000個及不多過180,000個,並設立機制決定H-1B的簽證數目。
  2. 將每年預留給碩士學位的H-1B簽證會改為預留給科學、科技、工程及數學科的畢業生,並將名額從20,000個提高到25,000個。
  3. 容許某些H-1B持有人的配偶申請工作證。
  4. 容許H-1B持有人在工作結束後有六十天時間離開美國。
  5. 要求H-1B僱主支付比美國本土更高的薪水予H-1B員工。
  6. 要求H-1B僱主在申請LCA前要在勞工部的網站刊登該職位空缺三十天。
  7. 要求H-1B僱主證明申請之前及之後的90天沒有及不會取締美國本土的員工。

  1. 放寬對在美國開設新公司及辦公室的L-1申請人的要求及容許申請人在續期時可以較有彈性。
  2. 容許F-1學生簽證持有人有移民傾向。
  3. 增設W簽證給在美國買房屋的退休人士。

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