
Tax Return 報税

As the deadline for filing tax return is around the corner, please remember that you have the responsibility to file a return form with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and state government by April 15 if you have worked in the U.S. or received interests in your investment.  Generally, all green card holders and naturalized citizens need to file a return as a resident.  However, the fact that a person does not have a green card does not mean he/she should file a return as an alien.  Instead, that depends on whether the person met the substantial presence test in the previous tax year.  You should talk a qualified tax accountant or adviser if you are unsure about your status as a taxpayer.

Disclaimer: Information included in this page does not constitute as legal advice and receipt of this page does not establish attorney-client relationship. For specific inquiries, please call my office and schedule an appointment.

報税的最後期限將至,如果您去年曾在美國工作或從投資獲利,請切記您有責任在4月15日或之前將稅表遞交到聯邦及州政府的稅務局。 通常綠卡持有人和入了美國籍的公民需要以居民身份報稅。 然而,沒有綠卡並不等如您能以外國人身份遞交稅表。 納稅人是否需要以外國人身份報稅取決於上一年度有多少時間留在美國。 如果您對您的納稅人身份有疑問,您應該跟一位合資格的會計師或税務顧問查詢。


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