The mid-election of 2010 is around the corner and many campaign volunteers are going around to ask people to complete voter registration and vote for the candidate/party they support. If you are not a U.S. citizen, please beware of this dangerous trap.
According to current law, only U.S. citizens are allowed to register and vote in a federal election in the United States. In other words, even permanent residents (i.e., green card holders) are not allowed to vote in a federal election, including presidential and congressional elections. If a non-citizen votes in a federal election, he/she is subject to deportation. A New York Times Article published on October 15, 2010 reports that a legal permanent resident from St. Kitts is currently being placed under deportation proceeding for voting in presidential elections in the past.
To muddy the waters, several municipalities allow legal permanent residents to vote in county or city elections. State legislatures can also adopt their own set of eligibility rules on statewide elections. Therefore, if you are a legal permanent resident and not a United States citizen, it may be wise for you to just stay at home and watch the elections on TV, unless the county office of where you reside have confirmed with you (preferably in writing) that you are eligible to vote as a non-citizen in a local election. Doing so can protect you and your family from unnecessary hardship.
Disclaimer: Information included in this page does not constitute as legal advice and receipt of this page does not establish attorney-client relationship. For specific inquiries, please call my office and schedule an appointment.
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