
2016 Diversity Visa Program 2016財政年度多元簽證計畫

Registration for the 2016 Diversity Program runs from October 1 to November 3 this year.  A friend of mine recently asked me to post a short article on this.  

In order to participate in this program, an applicant may not be born from one of the countries where a large number of immigrants to the United States are from, such as Mainland China, India, and Mexico, etc (limited exceptions apply).  Second, an applicant must be 18 years old and has graduated from high school or has two years of qualifying work experience (usually skilled or professional job) .  For more details, please see the State Department's Instruction. 

If you meet the above requirements, you may register on the website of the Diversity Visa program during the registration period.  Due to unforeseen circumstances, it is best to register as early as possible.  Registration form can be found on the Webpage of the State Department.  Please notice that it is free to register, so if someone asks you to pay for registering, please do not be fooled.

You would need to upload a picture when you register.  There are strict specifications on the picture, so an applicant should avoid waiting until the last minute to register.  To know more about the picture requirements, please visit the State Department's Webpage.

Applicants may begin to check the result on May 5 of next year with their registration number.  Please remember that the State Department would not notify the winner through any communications, including emails, telephone calls, or mails.  

Finally, lucky winners must apply for an immigrant visa or adjustment of status within the fiscal year or it will expire after the fiscal year.  In addition, every year the State Department will draw more winners than it can issue visas to so winners are encouraged to put in their applciations as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: Information included in this page does not constitute as legal advice and receipt of this page does not establish attorney-client relationship. For specific inquiries, please call my office and schedule an appointment. 









Proposed Changes in the Senate's Immigration Reform Bill (2) 參議院移民制度改革法案的措施 (2)

In the Senate Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill, there are a few proposed changes to the H-1B non-immigrant visa.  Some of the proposed changes include:
  1. Raise the H-1B quota from 65,000 to no fewer than 110,000 and no more than 180,000.  A mechanism will be used to determine the exact number for every year.
  2. Instead of reserving 20,000 H-1B visa to applicants with an advanced degree, the visa exemption will apply to STEM graduates and the number of exemptions will be raised from 20,000 to 25,000.
  3. Allow the spouse of an H-1B holder to apply for a work permit if certain requirements are met.
  4. Provide a grace period of 60 days to H-1B workers after the employment is over.
  5. Require H-1B employer to pay a higher salary to H-1B worker than to U.S. workers.
  6. Require H-1B employer to post its job opening on the DOL's website for 30 days before filing an LCA.
  7. Require H-1B employer to attest that it has not and will not displace a U.S. worker 90 days before and after filing an LCA.  
In addition, there are also other proposed changes:

  1. Loosen the requirements for L-1 workers who will open a new office and give flexibility to how long the extension can be granted.
  2. Allow F-1 students to have dual intent (immigrant intent is allowed)
  3. Add a new "W" visa category to allow retirees to purchase properties in the U.S. to retire.  
Disclaimer: Information included in this page does not constitute as legal advice and receipt of this page does not establish attorney-client relationship. For specific inquiries, please call my office and schedule an appointment.

  1. 將每年H-1B的配額從65,000提升到不少於110,000個及不多過180,000個,並設立機制決定H-1B的簽證數目。
  2. 將每年預留給碩士學位的H-1B簽證會改為預留給科學、科技、工程及數學科的畢業生,並將名額從20,000個提高到25,000個。
  3. 容許某些H-1B持有人的配偶申請工作證。
  4. 容許H-1B持有人在工作結束後有六十天時間離開美國。
  5. 要求H-1B僱主支付比美國本土更高的薪水予H-1B員工。
  6. 要求H-1B僱主在申請LCA前要在勞工部的網站刊登該職位空缺三十天。
  7. 要求H-1B僱主證明申請之前及之後的90天沒有及不會取締美國本土的員工。

  1. 放寬對在美國開設新公司及辦公室的L-1申請人的要求及容許申請人在續期時可以較有彈性。
  2. 容許F-1學生簽證持有人有移民傾向。
  3. 增設W簽證給在美國買房屋的退休人士。


Changes in Senate's Immigration Reform Bill (1) 參議院移民制度改革法案的措施 (1)

The Senate has issued an outline of its comprehensive immigration reform bill today.  In the 17-page outline, a few pages talk about reforms on the current legal immigration system.  The following are some of the key changes:
1. Preference categories in family-based immigration will be reduced from four to two: unmarried adult children of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents and married children of U.S. citizens.  Moreover, married children of U.S. citizens must apply before they turn 31.
2. U.S. citizens will not be able to apply for their brothers and sisters but this category will be repealed 18 months after the bill is enacted.
3. Spouse and unmarried children of legal permanent residents will no longer be subject to an annual quota.
4. Diversity visa/lottery will be abolished.
5. EB-1, persons holding doctorate degree, and certain physicians will no longer be subject to an annual quota.
6. More visa numbers will be assigned to certain existing EB-2 and EB-3 applicants. 
7. A new visa will be available to those who would set up a new company in the U.S.
8. A merit-based system will be introduced.  Merits will be given based on education, employment, length in the U.S., etc.
Disclaimer: Information included in this page does not constitute as legal advice and receipt of this page does not establish attorney-client relationship. For specific inquiries, please call my office and schedule an appointment.

1. 受配額限制的親屬移民類別由現有的四類減至兩類。只有公民及綠卡的未婚成年子女以及公民巳婚的成年子女。再者,公民的已婚子女必須於年滿31歲前申請。

2. 公民不能再為兄弟姊妹申請,但此類別會在法案成為法律十八個月後才會被取消。

3. 綠卡持有人的配偶及未成年子女不再受配額限制。

4. 多元化抽籤移民類別會被取消。

5. EB-1,擁有博士學位,及某些醫生不再受配額限制。

6. 增加配額給部份現有EB-2EB-3類別。

7. 增設新簽證類別給在美國創業的企業家。

8. 在簽發簽證時會加設績分制。績分會跟據學歷,工作,在美時間等考慮而分發。


Has Adjudication fo I-526 Stopped? I-526申請好像停了下來?

In March, USCIS announced its plan to allow applicants to file an I-526 electronically through its ELIS system.  However, many concerns about the plan were raised in the stakeholder meeting.  In particular, processing time was still a main area of concern. 

In fact, since USCIS announced its plan to move I-526 adjudications to Washington D.C. from California, it looks like adjudication of I-526 application has stopped.  On January 4 of this year, the California Service Center announced that as of November 30, 2012, they were processing I-526 that were submitted by March 16, 2012.  On April 3, 2013, the CSC made another announcement and as of February 28, 2013, they were still processing I-526 applications that were submitted by March 16, 2012.  In other words, in the three months between December 2012 and February 2013, it looks like USCIS has stopped processing I-526.  I guess I-526 applicants may need to be more patient as a result.

Disclaimer: Information included in this page does not constitute as legal advice and receipt of this page does not establish attorney-client relationship. For specific inquiries, please call my office and schedule an appointment.
美國移民局在三月底宣佈,當局有意於今年暑假開始接受申請人透過其ELIS 系統提交的I-526電子申請。可是在移民局為此事所舉辦的電話會議中,很多與會者擔心此舉會弊多於利。其中,處理申請的時間仍然是大家關心的地方。



September 2011 China Business Trip 2011年9月中國之旅

I was fortunate enough to be invited to visit Yunnan and Shandong Provinces in China in September 2011.  During this trip, I attended meetings, did a short presentation, and visited with potential clients.  Here are some pictures of the trip: 

2013 Diversity Visa Lottery Program 多國籍移民簽證計劃

If you are interested in the diversity lottery program for the fiscal year of 2013, you may start submitting application from October 4 to November 5, 2011. Like last year, 50,000 immigrant visas will be available under the program for the fiscal year of 2013. Result of the lottery will be made available on May 1, 2012.

A couple friendly reminders: 1) Persons born in Mainland China, Mexico, and other countries where a large number of immigrants come from are not eligible to participate in the lottery; 2) the program is completely free and only those who win will be required to pay a visa application fee; 3) winners will not be notified by mail or email by the State Department.

Disclaimer: Information included in this page does not constitute as legal advice and receipt of this page does not establish attorney-client relationship. For specific inquiries, please call my office and schedule an appointment.


以下是關於此計劃的溫馨提示:1)於中國大陸、墨西哥等移民主要來源地出生的人士是不能參加此計劃的;2) 多國籍移民簽證計劃是免費參加的。只有符合資格而被選中面談的申請人需繳交簽證的申請費;3)國務院不會將中籤通知書以郵件或電郵方式寄給被抽中的幸運兒。



New Administrative Changes to Attract Foreign Investors 吸引外商投資的新措施

USCIS announced this week that a few administarive changes would be made to attract more foreign investors to create job opportunities in the U.S.  These changes include:
  • Premium processing available to EB-1 petitioners that apply under the multinational executives and managers caategory (E13) and EB-5 investors;
  • EB-2 applicants may apply under the National Interest Waiver (NIW) if they can show that they are either a member in a profession that requires an advanced degree or an individual of exceptional ability and their investment in the U.S. will benefit the interest of the United States;
  • Specialized EB-5 intake teams will be created to handle EB-5 adjudications and EB-5 regional center applicants will be able to communicate with the intake teams directly through email;
  • An expert decision board will be convened to make decisions on EB-5 application;
  • Re-emphasize that self-employed aliens may apply for H-1B visa as long as the aliens can show that their own company can exercise control over them, such as having a separate board that can hire, pay, or fire the aliens.
These changes will certainly make it easier and faster for investors to apply for different kind of non-immigrant and immigrant work visas.  Hopefully, USCIS will be able to articulate a specific plan to implement these changes in the next 30 days as promised by USCIS Director Alejandro Mayorkas.
Disclaimer: Information included in this page does not constitute as legal advice and receipt of this page does not establish attorney-client relationship. For specific inquiries, please call my office and schedule an appointment.

  • EB-1類別中跨國公司行政人員及經理(E13)及EB-5投資移民的申請人可申請特快服務 ;
  • 外商可以透過EB-2中的國家利益豁免(National Interest Waiver; NIW)類別申請綠咭。外商必須從事需要高等學歷的專業或本身擁有特殊的才能,而且從事的工作會為全國的經濟帶來益處;
  • 成立數個專門負責 EB-5 案件的隊伍,而EB-5 投資中心的申請人可以以電郵方式與這些隊伍溝通;
  • 成立專家小組,專門負責批核EB-5申請;
  • 重申自雇人士只要能夠證明其公司可以對他擁有控制權,如有獨立的董事會可以僱用、支付薪水、及罷免申請人,那麼申請人仍有資格申請H-1B 簽證。
